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Altar Server Training

Mr. McGovern will be hosting two training sessions on September 21 & 22 for any student in grades 3-8 that are interested in becoming an altar server this year. Please see the flyer in the Important Weekly Papers Tab above for details.


Car Line

​Please pass this important information on to whomever picks up or drops off your student(s). For the safety of our students, families, staff and all who use our parking lot, we are asking for your patience in the car line. Please do not pull out of the car line until directed by the staff member on duty. In the morning, if your child exits the vehicle before the car in front of you has unloaded, you must wait until the car line moves forward in order to exit the lot. The same policy applies if your car is loaded in the afternoon before car(s) in front of you. Please wait for the staff on duty to direct you to exit. We have had several near misses already this year and we need to make sure everyone is safe in our parking lot. 

Club Advisors

Attention parents, grandparents, aunts, & uncles, we are seeking individuals who have a talent to share and may be interested in advising an afterschool club this year for students in grades K-5. In past years we have had various clubs such as Lego, baking, running, Get Fit, game, friendship, knitting, craft/art, book, drama, and dance. These are just some examples and are open to new ideas. Clubs would start in October and run through end the April. We meet twice per month on the Wednesdays of the same weeks that we have school Mass on Fridays. Clubs last one hour from 3:30-4:30 PM. Any advisors will get to use time volunteered for your ATP commitments. If interested in advising or have questions before committing, please email Mrs. Salmon at


Counselor's Corner

Check out news, updates, and resources provided by our very own counselor, Mrs. Fortney.


HSO Happenings

Join us for our next HSO meeting on October 8 at 6:15 PM. All families who attend our meeting will be entered into a drawing to win a dress down pass for their children. Also keep in mind that all participation in HSO meetings, events, and fundraisers does count towards your ATP volunteer hours.


We have volunteer opportunities available. Mainstreet Waynesboro has invited us to work their kidZone during Market Days this year on Saturday, October 5th. All volunteer hours count toward ATP hours, confirmation hours and any other student service hour requirements. The link to sign up for volunteering during this event is below. We will also be having our annual bake sale during Market days and need your help with the baked good. Please see the flyer in the Important Weekly Papers tab above for an idea of what each grade level should bring. Please contact Sarah Stansfield or Kaylyn Horner with any questions. Thank you for your willingness to help! 

Volunteer Here

Music Lessons

Thank you to everyone who showed interest in our extracurricular music programs by attending the meeting last Friday. All necessary information and the registration form can be found in the Weekly Papers Tab. Please email Mr. Albertson at with any additional questions regarding band, piano and or choir. We plan to begin lessons on Tuesday, September 10.


Open Positions 

We have a few openings for the 24-25 school year. Please help us spread the word. Applicants may apply by scanning the QR code on the flyer.

  • Middle School ELA Teacher (Full-Time)

  • Substitutes (PK-8)

  • Evening Custodian (Part-Time)


St Andrew Catholic School has decided to hold a Read-A-Thon this year!

Each year, our school library holds a fundraiser to help supplement costs for adding new book titles to our library. In the past, we have held Scholastic Book Fairs. Due to new practices within Scholastic Book Fairs, we are no longer able to host Book Fairs as we cannot possibly preview every book being sold. We have found many titles to be contrary to the teachings of the Catholic faith. Some teachers may opt to keep Scholastic ordering open; however, we encourage families to thoroughly vet the materials that they order in the online platform. 


While we search for a new vendor to hold an in-person Book Fair, we have decided to participate in our first Read-A-Thon. Read-A-Thons actually get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more. Our Read-A-Thon starts Monday September 23, 2024. About one week before our Read-A-Thon starts we will send home instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress. We encourage you to activate your reader’s account today by clicking on and following the simple instructions.

We've chosen Read-A-Thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read, helps in the development of stronger reading skills, and supports our school library.

We hope EVERYONE participates.

Thanks so much,

Mrs. Tylicki

School Supplies 

All school supplies were ordered by the school. Families will be charged on September 15th via their STS accounts for supplies ordered. Should you need financial assistance to cover the cost of school supplies, please contact the school office.

School Store

The school store is open. Students may purchase school supplies and snacks between 8:15-8:30 AM each day. Students may purchase with cash or choose to be billed via STS.

  • All items will be billed through STS as an incidental expense if your child does not have cash.

  • It is between you and your child to decide what can and cannot be purchased.  

  • The prices of the supplies may change as things are restocked.  Prices depend on the school’s purchase price.

SCRIP Scholarship

All St. Andrew families with an outstanding tuition balance are eligible to receive tuition scholarship funds from our SCRIP card program. If interested in the SCRIP scholarship please complete the very short application via the link below. All information is confidential. Applications are due by 9/27/24.

Apply Here

Spirit Wear

In need of new school spirit wear? Now's the time to buy. In addition to what is sold through Flynn O'Hara, all school spirit wear is acceptable gym uniform attire. Check out the flyer in the Important Weekly Papers folder. All online orders are due by September 29th and orders will be delivered to school around October 22nd. 

Order Spirit Wear Here

Uniform Reminders

Over the next few weeks we will send uniform reminders home letting you know what uniform violations we are seeing. We will then begin sending uniform violations home when necessary. We know some items are back ordered and we want to allow time for proper uniform items to arrive. Please contact the school office if you have additional questions after reviewing the uniform policy. 

  • White polo shirts are not permitted at any age for neither boys or girls. White button up shirts are permitted to be worn with the girls jumper and plaid skirt and with boys shorts/pants.

  • Khaki skirts/skorts are not uniform for elementary students in grades K-5. Khaki skirts are the middle school uniform. Elementary is navy blue or the plaid skirt.

  • Tennis shoes/sneakers are only allowed on gym days unless a medical exemption is approved and on file in the school office. 

  • No earrings that hang below the earlobe.  

  • Uniform Policy: Please review the school uniform policy on our website to ensure your child is in compliance. Should you need to order uniforms, please purchase from our uniform provider, Flynn O'Hara. Our school code to shop is St. Andrew School (PA258). 

Virtus Lessons

Students in grades K-8 will be taught Virtus lesson #3 this year as the diocese' proactive response to educating our students on a safe environment. Teachers will let you know when their lesson will be taught during each religion class. Parents can view the program/lesson overview in the Important Papers tab. Parents may also choose to have their child "opt out" of the lesson. In this case, we would require the "opt out" form to be filled out and returned to your child's classroom teacher.


See the HSO Happenings section above for volunteer opportunities this month. Don't forget to log your hours on the ATP platform. [school website/families/track volunteer hours]

Follow Us on Social Media: Support our school by following us on Facebook and Instagram.





  • Band 3:30 PM


  • No School (Education Conference)


  • School Mass 9:30 AM


  • Band 3:30 PM


  • Choir 3:30 PM


  • School-Wide Dress Down Day



Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Closed when school is closed

We are a paperless school. All important papers and announcements are linked in a shared Google folder. To view, simply click this link and it will direct you to our important weekly papers.

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