
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a "Thursday Folder"?
Thursday Folder is an electronic communication tool between you and the school. It will contain the week's important papers: order forms, important messages, fundraiser flyers, etc. Please access the electronic folder via Mrs. Salmon's Weekly Announcement email.
How does your Lunch Program work?
SACS offers students the option to purchase lunch five days a week. We receive lunches prepared by the Waynesboro Area School District daily. Lunch must be ordered by 9:00 a.m. daily.
All lunch charges are invoiced weekly via STS as an incidental expense.
Student to Teacher Ratio
We follow the Diocesan requirements for our student to teacher ratios. Pre-K is 8 students to 1 teacher with a maximum of 16 students. Kindergarten is 10 students to 1 teacher with a maximum of 24 students and 1st-8th grade is 24 students to 1 teacher. Pre-K and kindergarten have two teachers in the classroom at all times.
What is an Acceptable Uniform?
We have created a presentation for your convenience explaining our school uniform policy and where purchases can be made. Please view here.
What is SCRIP?
SCRIP is a fundraising program in which you can purchase popular retail gift cards, receive full face value of the card, and still enable our school to receive a small donation. The program is very popular and earns funds for tuition scholarships.
What is SACS' Vacation Policy?
Ideally, family vacations should be planned around school holidays and closings so that your child's education is minimally disrupted. We DO NOT give work to a vacationing student ahead of time. All work will be assigned upon students return.
Do you have to be Catholic to enroll?
No, you do not have to be Catholic to attend Saint Andrew Catholic School. We are open to educating children of all faiths with the understanding that your child will be fully exposed to the Catholic teachings.
What is Race for Education?
Race for Education is a spring fundraising activity that directly involves our students. You will supply names of friends and family likely to sponsor your child as he or she runs laps in a local park. It is great fun, very profitable, and requires almost no planning.
What kind of Financial Aid is available?
Neumann Scholarships, SCRIP Scholarships, Tuition Angel Scholarships, ATP Discounts, Transfer Credit, Share the Joy Credit
What is MY Role as a SACS Parent?
Be a partner with the school in the education of your child.
Understand and support the religious nature of the school.
Read all communications from the school and request clarification when necessary.
Discuss concerns and problems with the person(s) most directly involved before contacting the principal and/or pastor.
Be actively involved and volunteer in school events and activities.
Promote our school and speak highly of it to others.
Meet financial obligations in a timely manner and support the fundraising efforts of the school to the best of your ability.