

Instructions for obtaining Clearances Diocese of Harrisburg Youth Protection Program
In accordance with the Diocese of Harrisburg Youth Protection Program, background checks are required for all volunteers who supervise or participate in activities involving youth under 18 years of age at Saint Andrew School. The procedure for obtaining clearances for all new volunteers and those volunteers who have not yet applied for clearances is as follows:
1. A Diocese of Harrisburg Employee/Volunteer Information & Consent form must be completed and returned. The form can be printed off the Diocese of Harrisburg website by taking the following steps. Go to www.hbgdiocese.org, click on Youth Protection, at the top of your screen click on Services and Programs, under Procedural Documents click on Forms for Criminal Background checks then click on Diocesan Disclosure Form. When filling out the Diocesan Information & Disclosure form, your printed name and signature are required – as well as a witness signature. Be aware that there are two sides to this form.
2. A State Police background check, also called the Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History (PATCH) clearance is required. This application is processed for a $10 fee online at the following link.
3. A Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance is required. This form can be obtained at the church or school office or by following the above directions on the Diocese of Harrisburg website. When you reach the Forms for Criminal Background Check you would then click on the PA Child Abuse History Clearance Form. Please follow the instructions at the top of the form for submitting your completed application.
4. The Diocesan “Creating a Safe Environment” online training course is required. To access this online program go to www.hbgdiocese.org and click on the link for “Creating a Safe Environment training course” then follow the instructions for completing the course. Once you have successfully completed the quiz at the end of the course you will receive a certificate. Please print to submit with other documents.
5. All volunteers of St. Andrew School will also be required to sign the Confidentiality Statement (attached). The privacy of students must be protected by all those who are working around the children.
Once the five above requirements have been met please provide copies to Nina Miller in the school office. She will submit your paperwork to the diocese. Once the diocese has approved your volunteer paperwork, our office will receive a badge in your name. This badge must be worn at all times while volunteering. NO EXEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!